6 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Pet

Just like with us humans, our pets can be susceptible to certain diseases, which in many cases, can be life-threatening, to both you and your pet. Which diseases your pet can be vaccinated against, depends on which country you reside in or indeed are travelling to. In the UK, many of the diseases are potentially […]

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Beginners Guide to Keeping Leopard Geckos

Leopard Geckos are a very popular first reptile. These small crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) lizards are native to India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, where the environment is dry and rocky. Unlike other gecko species, Leopard Geckos don’t have sticky toepads on their feet to climb walls. These cute little creatures are relatively easy to […]

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Top Rabbit Breeds for Kids

Rabbits are a popular first pet for children, as they are friendly, characterful and can teach your child valuable lessons in terms of responsibility. That said, they do require daily care and as a parent, you will need to take most of the responsibility for ensuring the animal is cared for sufficiently. There is a […]

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What to Do if Your Cat Goes Missing

When your beloved cat goes missing, it is naturally a very anxious time for all your family, as you ask yourself ‘will my cat come back?’ The not knowing is extremely unsettling and it can be easy to panic and think the worst. However, the best thing you can do initially is to breath, remain […]

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How to Save on Your Pet Insurance

As with any insurance, there are so many providers to choose from, offering vastly different rates and types of policy cover. It’s confusing and can be quite challenging to know how to get the best deal. Does cheap pet insurance exist? Can you really save on pet insurance? You will be pleased to know that […]

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Why Your Cats Love to Knock Your Stuff Over

As a cat owner, your cat knocking stuff over is something you will have inevitably experienced at some point. It can be cute and funny when it’s an item like your pen or pencil, but when your furry friend starts knocking your mobile phone off of the kitchen table, it can quickly become annoying, costly […]

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What to Do if Your Snake Stops Eating

There can be a number of reasons why your snake won’t eat, and it can be a common problem with captive snakes. There is no need to be concerned if this is the first time they have refused food. However, if you are unable to find the cause and it is a persistent problem or […]

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How to Take Care of Your Pet Degu

Very similar to chinchillas, degus make fantastic pets. These larger rodents hail from South America and, in captivity, can live up to eight years if they are cared for correctly. Degus are charming pets and love being handled by their owners and, whilst they are relatively easy to look after, attention still needs to be […]

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What Age Should I Neuter My Dog?

Unless you intend on breeding your dog it can be a responsible course of action to get them neutered. For male dogs this is called castrating and for female dogs this is called spaying. Both require the dog to go under anaesthetic whilst a vet carries out the operative procedure. Spaying is a more invasive […]

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Why Does My Dog Pee on the Bed?

No matter how much we love our canine companions, we cannot pretend that there aren’t some behaviours that irk us. We can take the shredding of the newspaper. We can take hiding the slipper in the garden. But we really must draw the line at peeing on the bed. This isn’t a behaviour of unknowing […]

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