10 Diseases Your Pets Could Give You

We all love getting up close and personal with our pets. Nothing beats an evening cuddle and many of us let our cats and dogs sleep on our beds. Whilst this is absolutely fine and having a bond with your animal is very important, it should be remembered that your pets can carry diseases which […]

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The Best Spider Vivarium for Pet Tarantulas

Tarantulas are cannibalistic, so you should never keep two together. Therefore, you can completely kit out your tarantula’s home to their specific needs, without the worry of having to appease two personalities. Another thing to bear in mind is they are notorious escape artists, so your number one concern should be security. What Size Tank […]

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6 Unique Animals You Can Keep as Pets

One of the real pleasures of keeping an exotic pet is knowing you can care for something that not many other pet owners have the opportunity to do. Having an exotic pet is a privilege and, for those who aren’t hamster or puppy people, there is a unique selection of animals to suit the quirkiest […]

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How Can I Train My Ferret to Use a Litter Tray?

Many assume that ferrets are outdoor pets, perhaps because they are similar to the weasels and stoats we see in the countryside. However, many ferrets live very happily inside, just like house rabbits. The one area where your ferret may need some help is with using the litter tray. Whilst we train puppies to go […]

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How to Keep Your Pet Calm for Trips to the Vet

The first trip when your pet is young is relatively painless. However, once they realise they might be handled by a stranger or have an injection, your pets are a little less keen to head the vets. Dogs can be led into the car as if they are going on a walk whereas other pets, […]

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10 Foods and Ingredients to Keep Away from Your Dogs and Cats

Our pets will happily nibble on any morsel of food they come across. Whilst chicken is okay for your dog and tuna won’t hurt your cat, there is some human foods that are poisonous to our pets. It is incredibly tempting to feed our pets tit bits from our meals, but it can lead to […]

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How to Breed Terrapins

Terrapins are freshwater turtles, of which there are only seven species. These aquatic pets are very popular in the UK and there are countless specialist reptile stores that sell hatchlings. However, there are many reputable breeders too. If you have terrapin experience, you may wish to breed your own. This guide will help you get […]

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How to Keep Your Pets Safe at Halloween

Many people in the UK only consider Bonfire Night the one evening a year where they need to keep a very close eye on their pets. However, with Halloween becoming a bigger and bigger holiday every year, it can become somewhat of a nightmare for our pets. Help keep your pets away from danger and […]

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The Perfect Diet for Your Pet Rabbit

Rabbits are big eaters and will happily devour any fruits or veggies you give them. However, due to their complex digestive system, it is imperative that your rabbit receives the correct diet for their health. We know all pets need constant clean water, but what about food when it comes to rabbits? Hay is Most […]

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Guinea Pig Noises and Body Language: The Ultimate Guide

Whilst guinea pigs are not the most popular pet in the UK, there is still around 0.7 million nestled in our gardens. Whilst cats and dogs inevitably reign supreme, guinea pigs (along with rabbits) are a popular choice for those who want something smaller but equally as affectionate. For new owners, it can be hard […]

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