Tortoises as Pets

Tortoises can make fantastic pets, particularly for older children and adults. Many can live to be more than 50 years old, so expect your tortoise to become an integral part of the family for the decades to come. Many assume that tortoises are robust, due to their tough shells. However, tortoises are delicate creatures and […]

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Ferrets as Pets

Ferrets are animals which can divide even the biggest pet fans. Some people base their opinions on rumours and hearsay, assuming that ferrets smell bad, bite regularly and generally make bad pets. Still others, however, know people who have ferrets and understand what fantastic pets they can make when you follow some simple guidance. Indeed, […]

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Hamsters as Pets

One of the most popular small pets, especially for children, are hamsters. Solitary in nature, easily looked after and supremely handleable it is little wonder that hamsters have become so popular. If you’re looking for information and advice on hamsters as pets – both the pros and the cons – then read on to discover all […]

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Good Pets for Flats

What happens if you live in a flat, yet love animals? Certainly it’s likely that keeping a dog or cat in a flat (especially if it’s rented) will be out of the question. But that doesn’t mean to say that you can’t keep any kind of pet. Infact, as it turns out there are all […]

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The Beginners Guide to Keeping Tree Frogs as Pets

Tree frogs have an enviable reputation; even people that turn white just thinking about keeping pet tarantulas or snakes seem to fall in love with tree frogs. Something about their big round eyes, bulbous toes for climbing and rounded little bodies seems to endear them to people of all ages. If you’re considering keeping tree […]

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The Expat Guide to Taking Your Pets to the UAE

The United Arab Emirates represents one of the most popular expat destinations in the world. Indeed, statistics suggest that expats now outnumber local Emiratis by 9 to 1. The vast majority of the expat population resides in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where most large employers are to be found. However, taking pets to UAE is […]

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Keeping Praying Mantis as Pets: The Beginners Guide

Praying mantis are growing in popularity as pets, as more pet shops begin to stock them, and more pet owners begin to discover their benefits. The Benefits of Keeping Praying Mantis as Pets Firstly, praying mantis are absolutely fascinating to watch. While they may lie motionless for hours on end, this is all part of […]

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Correct Travel Crate Size & Acclimatization for Pets

  PBS Pet Travel is an organization of animal lovers. Animal welfare is something we strongly believe in, support and practice not only as professionals, but as individuals too. Your pet’s comfort, safety and well-being is our utmost priority at all times, which is why we have put together this information sheet to help outline […]

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How to Look After Stick Insects as Pets

  There are almost 3,000 types of stick insects in the world and while only a small percentage are available in the pet trade, many of those that are make ideal pets. Generally speaking stick insects are cheap to buy, easy to care for, almost silent and have no unpleasant odour whatsoever. They can therefore […]

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What Is PETS, The Pet Travel Scheme?

The Pet Travel Scheme, or PETS for short, was introduced into the UK as a way to make transporting your pet easier than ever before. Using a pet passport to record medications and treatments, many pets are now able to move easily and freely across borders with minimal disturbance. The PETS scheme allows animals to […]

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