What to Do If You Find a Stray Cat

Each day in the UK, animal charities receive a staggering 30,000 calls reporting stray cats. Cat’s go missing for many reasons. In general cats naturally roam the areas surrounding their home and are unlikely to get lost if they have lived in the area for a number of years. However, one of the riskiest times […]

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What is the Difference Between a Ferret and a Polecat?

History and Origins Both ferrets and polecats belong to the weasel family. The European polecat can be found living in the wild in western Eurasia and north Morocco and now many are bred in captivity as a domesticated polecat. It is the sole ancestor of the domesticated ferret. They are thought to have been first […]

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A Guide to Guinea Pig Breeds

Guinea pigs (also known as cavies) make superb pets and are especially suitable for children or first-time pet owners. They are incredibly social with characterful personalities and are relatively low maintenance to care for, making them ideal first pets. Living for an average of between 5 and 6 years, unlike other pets like hamsters or […]

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6 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Pet

Just like with us humans, our pets can be susceptible to certain diseases, which in many cases, can be life-threatening, to both you and your pet. Which diseases your pet can be vaccinated against, depends on which country you reside in or indeed are travelling to. In the UK, many of the diseases are potentially […]

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What to Do if Your Cat Goes Missing

When your beloved cat goes missing, it is naturally a very anxious time for all your family, as you ask yourself ‘will my cat come back?’ The not knowing is extremely unsettling and it can be easy to panic and think the worst. However, the best thing you can do initially is to breath, remain […]

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Why Worming Your Pet is So Important

Pet’s like cats and dogs are particularly susceptible to certain types of parasites if they regularly go outside (and in some cases even when they stay in!), where they are exposed to sources of them. Parasitic worms can have potentially serious effects on your pet’s health, particularly young animals like puppies and kittens if preventative […]

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What to Do if Your Snake Stops Eating

There can be a number of reasons why your snake won’t eat, and it can be a common problem with captive snakes. There is no need to be concerned if this is the first time they have refused food. However, if you are unable to find the cause and it is a persistent problem or […]

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10 Diseases Your Pets Could Give You

We all love getting up close and personal with our pets. Nothing beats an evening cuddle and many of us let our cats and dogs sleep on our beds. Whilst this is absolutely fine and having a bond with your animal is very important, it should be remembered that your pets can carry diseases which […]

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The Pros and Cons of Rescuing an Animal

Everyday, thousands of animals in the UK are rescued and placed into shelters. Sometimes they are strays, unwanted pets, or have been neglected or abused my previous owners. Whatever their circumstances, all animals deserve a loving forever home and many people throughout the UK decide to adopt a pet as opposed to buying a puppy […]

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A Guide to Pregnancy for Your Cat

Whether it comes a surprise, or you have intentionally bred from your female cat, the idea of kittens is a very exciting one. However, much research will need to be consumed, regardless of whether you are a reluctant or willing first-time breeder. How Do I Know if My Cat is Pregnant? Cats come into season, […]

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