How to Take Care of Your Pet Degu

Very similar to chinchillas, degus make fantastic pets. These larger rodents hail from South America and, in captivity, can live up to eight years if they are cared for correctly. Degus are charming pets and love being handled by their owners and, whilst they are relatively easy to look after, attention still needs to be […]

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10 Diseases Your Pets Could Give You

We all love getting up close and personal with our pets. Nothing beats an evening cuddle and many of us let our cats and dogs sleep on our beds. Whilst this is absolutely fine and having a bond with your animal is very important, it should be remembered that your pets can carry diseases which […]

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6 Unique Animals You Can Keep as Pets

One of the real pleasures of keeping an exotic pet is knowing you can care for something that not many other pet owners have the opportunity to do. Having an exotic pet is a privilege and, for those who aren’t hamster or puppy people, there is a unique selection of animals to suit the quirkiest […]

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5 Common Rabbit Diseases Owners Need to Know

With rabbits able to live outside happily, they are happy and hardy little critters. However, even if they are looked after perfectly and receive all of their inoculations, there are times when Bugsy can be far from bright eyed and bushy tailed. If you have rabbits as pets, make sure to read over five of […]

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Do Chinchillas Make Good Pets?

Sadly, due to their soft and beautiful coat, chinchillas have been bred and farmed for their fur. However, with PETA and other activist groups saving chinchillas daily, there are many needing forever homes. Whether you rescue a chinchilla or purchase one from a pet store or reputable breeder, these quirky and shy rodents have different […]

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The Best Outdoor Aviary Birds for Beginners

If you have the space and a passion for birds, setting up an outdoor aviary is a delight. Looking after a number of different birds who are able to enjoy their lives outside is highly rewarding. Although learning about keeping an aviary and bird husbandry is a must, we know that picking what will live […]

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5 Reasons Why Your Parrot Is Losing Feathers

From Cockatoos to African Greys, pet parrots have been a favourite throughout the world for countless years. If you have the time, money, and patience, raising a parrot can be a very fulfilling experience. Undoubtedly, their exotic physical appearance is a factor in why they are so popular and it can be alarming when your […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Wet Tail in Hamsters

Does your hamster have a wet and dirty tail? Is the area around their anus soiled? It is likely that your furry friend has Proliferative Ileitis, commonly known as wet tail. It is most common in hamsters that are three to six weeks old, but every hamster can be susceptible. Although it can strike any […]

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5 of the Best Chameleons to Keep as Pets

The world is home to approximately 180 different types of chameleons. Varying in colour, size and appearance, some make better pets than others. Furthermore, there are only a small percentage of breeds bred in captivity, whereas the remained can only be found in the wild. Different pet breeds of chameleon can vary drastically in temperament […]

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5 Things to Remember When Keeping Ducks as Pets

Ducks are one of the most popular pets in the world, particularly for those who have a nice big garden and a pond. Ducks are fun, intelligent and enjoyable to watch. Often, ducks raised from eggs have a fantastic bond with their owners and become their shadow. Keeping ducks is relatively inexpensive and easy to […]

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