Everything You Need to Know About Pet Therapy

If you’ve ever experienced a special bond with an animal, that deep connection which makes you feel relaxed and peaceful, then it won’t surprise you to know that this type of connection with a pet is not unique to you. That feeling you get when you watch a video of cute kitten antics or adorable […]

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Things to Consider When Adopting a Pet

With so many unwanted pets out there, rehoming animals can be a responsible choice and can be a gift that keeps on giving. Whilst adopting a pet will be a very exciting time for the whole family, like any commitment, it can be useful to take the time to fully explore your options before making […]

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6 Ways to Stop Your Cat from Killing Small Critters

Cats are adorable, they’re cute and cuddly and in general are relatively low maintenance pets.  Yet there is a dark side to kitty ownership which becomes most apparent when they reach adulthood and those instinctual behaviours begin to be tested in the real world! Yes, let’s call a spade a spade, you have indeed brought […]

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What Does It Mean When Rabbits Thump?

Bunny rabbits make adorable pets. Not only are they cute and fluffy, they also come with their own unique personalities traits making them a wonderful choice of pet for children and adults alike. Just like most other companion animals, rabbits communicate through their behaviours and actions. They may grunt, circle, lick, nip, mount and of […]

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Do Rats Really Smell or is it Down to Owners?

Despite the reputation of their wild relatives, fancy rats make incredible pets for adults and children alike. They’re highly intelligent animals and have characterful personalities which are both adorably affectionate and entertaining. Companion rats are best kept in same sex pairs or groups and can live up to three years. They are sociable and easily […]

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How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Your New Baby

When expecting a new baby there are many things you need to plan for and consider and this includes how it will impact your existing family members whether that be your other children or your pets. Dogs, in particular, can be sensitive to changing environments, smells and sounds and there will be lots of these […]

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What Chicken Lays The Most Eggs

Deciding to keep your own chickens for egg production is a great way to enjoy both the supply of this extremely versatile protein source and the unique behavioural qualities of their producers! Not only is it a cost-effective and sustainable option it can also be an ethical one if you choose to keep your chickens […]

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What to Do If Your Dog Has a Tick

During the spring and summer season, the chances of your dog finding itself with new unwanted and clingy friends are highly increased. We are of course talking about ticks –  those horrid spider-like external parasites who love nothing more than to bury themselves into the skin of the unlucky host to feast on their succulent […]

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What to Do If You Find a Stray Cat

Each day in the UK, animal charities receive a staggering 30,000 calls reporting stray cats. Cat’s go missing for many reasons. In general cats naturally roam the areas surrounding their home and are unlikely to get lost if they have lived in the area for a number of years. However, one of the riskiest times […]

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What is the Difference Between a Ferret and a Polecat?

History and Origins Both ferrets and polecats belong to the weasel family. The European polecat can be found living in the wild in western Eurasia and north Morocco and now many are bred in captivity as a domesticated polecat. It is the sole ancestor of the domesticated ferret. They are thought to have been first […]

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A Guide to Guinea Pig Breeds

Guinea pigs (also known as cavies) make superb pets and are especially suitable for children or first-time pet owners. They are incredibly social with characterful personalities and are relatively low maintenance to care for, making them ideal first pets. Living for an average of between 5 and 6 years, unlike other pets like hamsters or […]

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