How to Keep Your Pet Calm for Trips to the Vet

The first trip when your pet is young is relatively painless. However, once they realise they might be handled by a stranger or have an injection, your pets are a little less keen to head the vets. Dogs can be led into the car as if they are going on a walk whereas other pets, […]

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10 Foods and Ingredients to Keep Away from Your Dogs and Cats

Our pets will happily nibble on any morsel of food they come across. Whilst chicken is okay for your dog and tuna won’t hurt your cat, there is some human foods that are poisonous to our pets. It is incredibly tempting to feed our pets tit bits from our meals, but it can lead to […]

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5 Common Rabbit Diseases Owners Need to Know

With rabbits able to live outside happily, they are happy and hardy little critters. However, even if they are looked after perfectly and receive all of their inoculations, there are times when Bugsy can be far from bright eyed and bushy tailed. If you have rabbits as pets, make sure to read over five of […]

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How to Breed Terrapins

Terrapins are freshwater turtles, of which there are only seven species. These aquatic pets are very popular in the UK and there are countless specialist reptile stores that sell hatchlings. However, there are many reputable breeders too. If you have terrapin experience, you may wish to breed your own. This guide will help you get […]

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The Perfect Diet for Your Pet Rabbit

Rabbits are big eaters and will happily devour any fruits or veggies you give them. However, due to their complex digestive system, it is imperative that your rabbit receives the correct diet for their health. We know all pets need constant clean water, but what about food when it comes to rabbits? Hay is Most […]

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How to Clean Out a Freshwater Fish Tank Properly

How often you clean out your fish tank will somewhat depend in the number calling the tank home. The type of aquarium can also dictate as to how often you will need to clean it. As a fish owner, chances are you have observed your tank over time and built up your own routine based […]

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The Best Pet Frogs for Beginners

Frogs can make great first pets. However, don’t be fooled, they need just as much care and attention as the popular dog or cat. There are countless captive frogs that make ideal pets but it is best to pick a hardier and more common breed whilst you get to grips with frog husbandry. Whatever you […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Wet Tail in Hamsters

Does your hamster have a wet and dirty tail? Is the area around their anus soiled? It is likely that your furry friend has Proliferative Ileitis, commonly known as wet tail. It is most common in hamsters that are three to six weeks old, but every hamster can be susceptible. Although it can strike any […]

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Parrot Lifespans: How Long Do Parrots Live For?

Parrots are incredible animals, and just one of the things that makes them special is that they can live an awfully long time. But how many of these stories are exaggerated urban myths – and how long do parrots really live? General Rules Governing Parrot Lifespans Parrots as a group are quite long-lived birds, but […]

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8 Considerations Before Your Buy a Pet Parrot

All pets represent responsibility, but parrots offer one of the most extreme cases. Their long life, combined with their intelligence, means that pet parrots need specialist care over a long period of time. So, before you decide for certain that a parrot is the perfect pet for you, consider the following questions carefully… Do You […]

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Hamster Bedding: What Every Pet Owner Should Know

Pet hamsters require two different types of bedding; the substrate which lines the base of their cage, and nesting material with which they can create a soft and fluffy bed. You might be surprised to hear that over the years dozens of different hamster bedding materials have been tested, with wildly varying levels of success. […]

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