How to Look After a Chinchilla

Chinchillas are one of the more unusual “small furries” encountered in pet shops. Originating in the Andes Mountains in South America they have an incredibly dense coat in order to protect them from the cold. While chinchillas are rodents like hamsters and gerbils. their care is considerably different. For one thing they’re relatively large and […]

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What Do Terrapins Eat?

Terrapins can make fantastic pets for people looking for something a little bit “different”. However caring for a terrapin requires some specialist knowledge. One of the factors that can make terrapin care a little more challenging is that they require quite a specialist diet. Understandably, one of the most common questions asked among new terrapin […]

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How to Look After a Goldfish

Looking after a goldfish properly is no easy task. Much of the commonly-held advice about caring for goldfish is painfully wrong and has led to numerous goldfish over the years passing away much sooner than necessary. Fortunately once you understand a few simple rules you’ll find that looking after goldfish successfully can be both simple […]

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Taking Your Pet Overseas: What You Need to Know

Taking pets abroad requires considerable research and planning – especially if you decide not to use a specialist pet travel agent. The aim of this article is to provide an introductory guide to the topics and considerations that pet owners should address before attempting to take their pet abroad. Travel Documents The exact travel documents […]

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Imperial / Emperor Scorpion Care

The emperor scorpion, also known as the imperial scorpion, is one of the most commonly found scorpions in captivity. This is no accident, as emperor scorpions make one of the most impressive and forgiving species of pet scorpions. Emperors are large scorpions, often reaching between 4.5 and 6 inches in overall length as adults. As […]

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Breeding Cockatiels

Breeding cockatiels is not a particularly difficult exercise. At its most basic all you need are a pair of birds of appropriate age who are suitably pair-bonded. It seems that changes in day length and daytime temperature are major factors in the onset of breeding and some cockatiel owners get home to find one or […]

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Rabies in Dogs

Rabies is one of the best-known and dangerous viral diseases known to veterinary science. While it can in theory affect any warm-blooded mammal, it is most prevalent in wild animals due to the absence of vaccination. Rabies in dogs is uncommon in areas where canines are properly vaccinated, but even a vaccination cannot ever offer […]

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Microchipping Dogs: A Beginner’s Guide

With the forthcoming UK law that all dogs must be microchipped there are still plenty of dog owners who don’t understand the basics of how microchipping actually works. We therefore decided to interview a qualified UK microchipper, to find a little more about how dogs are microchipped, what the risks are, and what you need […]

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Stick Insects for Kids

  Stick insects can represent an ideal first pet for children, on account of their ease of care. Just a few benefits of stick insects for kids include: Stick insects are short-lived meaning that you won’t be left cleaning and feeding them for decades to come if your children get bored Stick insects are generally […]

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Lyme Disease in Dogs

Lyme disease in dogs is one of the most common, yet serious diseases, experienced by domestic pets. The disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi which is often carried on ticks. The most common source of infection is when dogs are bitten by a tick while out on a walk. While not all […]

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Best Pet Tarantulas for Beginners

Looking to get your first pet tarantula but don’t know what species to start with? The reality is that many years when tarantulas first started to gain in popularity there were really only a handful of species seen for sale in pet shops. These days, however, things are very different. There are over 600 different […]

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