How to Keep Your Fish Tank Clean

  Aquariums are in essence a “closed system” – that is to say that when your fish defecate or food is left uneaten, there is simply nowhere for it go apart from floating around in the water. For obvious reasons, over time this build-up of organic waste can be harmful for your fish, as well […]

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Gerbils Vs Hamsters

Two of the most popular small pets available in pet shops are hamsters and gerbils. Traditionally hamsters have been viewed as the best pet – especially for children – but is that really the case? The purpose of this article is simple; to present a balanced view of the “gerbils vs hamsters” argument, in order […]

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Feeding Terrapins (& Terrapin Food Advice)

If there’s one major downside to keeping terrapins is their feeding habits. There are a number of reasons why feeding terrapins has its challenges: Terrapins are carnivorous. In other words you’re going to need to feed most terrapins some kind of meat. This isn’t just expensive – it can be messy too. Terrapins are messy […]

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Preparing Your Pet for Winter Emergencies

I hate to be the one to say it, but winter is coming. And with winter comes the cold, the wet and the dark. While few of us like to think about winter until it actually arrives, the reality is that it often makes sense to plan ahead. In such a way, not only will […]

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New Law on Microchipping From 2016

As you may be aware, new legislation is coming into force soon that covers the microchipping of dogs in the UK. This month we decided to take a closer look at the forthcoming change to the law, and answer some common questions we’ve been asked, in order to help you stay within the law*. The […]

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How to Export Your Pet from the UK to the USA

Among expats and travellers alike, America represents one of the most popular destinations of all for Brits heading abroad. It’s hardly surprising; both a shared language and culture make integration simple while the standards of living are understandably very high. A large country like the USA also means such a diversity of States, climates and […]

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Taking Dogs & Cats to Hong Kong

Hong Kong; exciting, bustling, futuristic and ready for a brand new adventure with your pet. As a major expat destination drawing in workers from all around the world, every day Hong Kong sees dozens of pets arriving at its airports. If you’re moving to – or visiting – Hong Kong in the near future and […]

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Pet Flights – Flights for Cats and Dogs

Most pets travelling abroad are transported on planes. This ensures that your dog or cat is contained within their airline-approved carrier for as little time as possible. In this way pet flights are designed to minimize any stress on your best friend. That said, flying with pets means complying with a range of rules and […]

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What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know About Canine Distemper

If there one canine disease which strikes fear into the minds of pet owners it is canine distemper. It is a serious condition which spreads rapidly through infected individuals and can affect many internal functions. If left untreated canine distemper can be fatal and even dogs who survive can be left with life-long ongoing symptoms. […]

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What You Need To Know About Pet Transport to Europe

So you’ve decided that you want to take your pet to Europe but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. This article will talk you through the process of pet travel to Europe so you know exactly how you can take your pet abroad with you. Types of Pet […]

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Top Tips for Holidays with Dogs

Going away without your beloved pooch can be difficult for the both of you. Your dog will naturally miss you while you’re away while it’s natural for you to worry how they’re getting on in your absence. No wonder that holidays with dogs are becoming ever more popular. And thanks to the popularity of taking […]

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