How to Stop Your Dog Suffering from Motion Sickness

Whilst the majority of canine companions love nothing more than a road trip, there are some who dread the thought and feel very unwell on any car journey. This is the case, particularly for puppies and younger dogs. Knowing how to prevent dog car sickness will be a blessing for both you and your dog, […]

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Things to Consider When Adopting a Pet

With so many unwanted pets out there, rehoming animals can be a responsible choice and can be a gift that keeps on giving. Whilst adopting a pet will be a very exciting time for the whole family, like any commitment, it can be useful to take the time to fully explore your options before making […]

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What to Do If Your Dog Has Worms

Worms in dogs is relatively common as they can easily pick them up from external environments. Some can be relatively harmless, although may cause some discomfort, whereas others can be more serious. Your dog can easily contract worms by indirectly ingesting worm eggs or larvae via soil, stools or infected hosts. There are different types […]

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A Guide to Health Issues of Flat-Faced Dogs

Brachycephalic dog breeds are an incredibly popular choice for dog owners, with many being drawn to their cute facial features. Yet, what is usually most physically appealing about the various breeds is actually what is to the detriment of their overall health. With increasing news stories of the concerning health problems seen in these breeds […]

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Do Giant Centipedes Make Great Pets?

Giant Centipedes are generally found in tropical climates around the world, with the largest centipede species, originating in the Amazon rainforest regions of South America.  However, smaller species can be found on most continents, including Europe. Smaller species of centipede can also be found in the UK. Popular amongst experienced exotic pet enthusiasts, these fascinating […]

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What Does It Mean When Rabbits Thump?

Bunny rabbits make adorable pets. Not only are they cute and fluffy, they also come with their own unique personalities traits making them a wonderful choice of pet for children and adults alike. Just like most other companion animals, rabbits communicate through their behaviours and actions. They may grunt, circle, lick, nip, mount and of […]

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How to Teach Your Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

It’s not uncommon for new puppy owners to liken the first few months of puppy ownership to that of caring for a newborn baby. Whilst, granted there are many differences between babies and puppies, there too are some similarities – establishing a routine being a fundamental one. Puppy bedtimes can prove quite the challenge to […]

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How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Your New Baby

When expecting a new baby there are many things you need to plan for and consider and this includes how it will impact your existing family members whether that be your other children or your pets. Dogs, in particular, can be sensitive to changing environments, smells and sounds and there will be lots of these […]

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What Chicken Lays The Most Eggs

Deciding to keep your own chickens for egg production is a great way to enjoy both the supply of this extremely versatile protein source and the unique behavioural qualities of their producers! Not only is it a cost-effective and sustainable option it can also be an ethical one if you choose to keep your chickens […]

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Why Your Dog Loves to Roll in Fox Poo

As a dog owner, having your dog roll in fox poo and other animal faeces can be quite an unpleasant and stinky experience! You may find yourself avoiding certain locations where you know your dog is more likely to find some, which can be quite restricting if you don’t have many suitable places for dog […]

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What to Do If Your Dog Has a Tick

During the spring and summer season, the chances of your dog finding itself with new unwanted and clingy friends are highly increased. We are of course talking about ticks –  those horrid spider-like external parasites who love nothing more than to bury themselves into the skin of the unlucky host to feast on their succulent […]

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