Settling in Your Rescue Cat

A new home can be a very daunting experience for your new cat or kitten. Rescue cats can often be a little harder to handle. In some upsetting cases, cats may have been abused and will need a very understanding and loving environment to start a happy life. In other circumstances, people who could no […]

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How to Take Care of a Cockatiel

Cockatiels are a very popular domestic bird species in the UK. They are happy, social and intelligent birds. When you decide that a cockatiel is for you, be prepared that you are taking on all the potential behaviour and health problems than can accompany your bird. There are many more facets to caring for a […]

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Tortoises as Pets

Tortoises can make fantastic pets, particularly for older children and adults. Many can live to be more than 50 years old, so expect your tortoise to become an integral part of the family for the decades to come. Many assume that tortoises are robust, due to their tough shells. However, tortoises are delicate creatures and […]

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A Guide to Keeping Chickens

Many people believe that keeping chickens should be left to expert farmers, but this simply isn’t true. If you have a roomy garden and fancy the idea of fresh eggs, then chickens are for you. Contrary to popular belief, keeping chickens is not difficult; it just takes a little know-how to keep them away from […]

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Lizard Guide: Bearded Dragon Shedding Process

Shedding is a natural process in all reptiles. The process is also referred to as moulting, peeling, or sloughing, and is when your bearded dragon casts off its old skin. After your beardie sheds, the skin underneath is brand new and you’ll notice the colours are more vivid in the first few days, even more […]

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How to Breed Ferrets

Ferrets are entertaining and inquisitive animals that make excellent pets. They’re sociable creatures that love to interact with their owners, others pets, and other ferrets. Breeding ferrets, however, is not as simple as placing a male and female together. If you are thinking about bringing some baby ferrets into the world, you will need to […]

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How To Handle A Naughty Puppy

Puppies are mischievous little creatures. When you bring your little bundle of fur home, you are full of hope as you have read all the books and puppy-proofed the house to Fort Knox standard. You are prepared for accidents on the new carpet in the lounge and, when puppy looks up at you with eyes […]

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Raising A Happy and Healthy Rabbit

Rabbits are a popular pet option for people of all ages and, since the modern wave of many critter lovers keeping their fluffy friend inside as house pets, bunny-fever has become more widespread. Sadly, however, rabbits are now being noted as the most neglected pet. Rabbits are very sensitive animals and time and care must […]

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Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Bingo, the beloved family Labrador is comatose on the matt in the hall. The once-favoured Kong is left abandoned in the garden and even the string of squeaky sausages is gathering dust under the stairs. Once a thrill for praise, even requests of paw or high-five are met with a lack-lustre response from Bingo and, […]

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How to Look After a Chinchilla

Chinchillas are one of the more unusual “small furries” encountered in pet shops. Originating in the Andes Mountains in South America they have an incredibly dense coat in order to protect them from the cold. While chinchillas are rodents like hamsters and gerbils. their care is considerably different. For one thing they’re relatively large and […]

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