Why Don’t More Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin?

When taking your pet abroad you want them to be by your side every step of the way, including on the flight. But even though some airlines do allow pets in the cabin, as long as they adhere to the policies, there are still many airlines that don’t allow pets within the cabin of the […]

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Can Brachycephalic Dogs Fly

If you’re off on your travels or moving abroad then taking your dog with you is essential. These days travelling with your dog is pretty straight forward with pet couriers and pet transport services readily available. When travelling with a brachycephalic dog there are a few extra considerations to think about before you travel to […]

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Where in the world would your dog be most welcome?

We understand that your furry friend is your pride and joy and when going off on your travels you don’t want to leave them behind, you want them alongside you seeing the world. However, it’s not always easy to travel with your dog as there can be a lot of restrictions, which vary from country […]

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Managing Emotions When Moving Your Pets Abroad

Moving abroad can be stressful and emotional at the best of the times but when you are moving your pet abroad too, emotions can be heightened. Sometimes it may mean you have to part with your pet for some time before the move. Here are a few tips for managing your emotions when moving your […]

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Best Dog Breeds for Hot Climates

When moving to a hot climate, ensuring any dog you get will be comfortable should be a priority. Not all dogs are suited to high temperatures and it is not advisable to take such a risk. After all, it can be extremely dangerous and even fatal for certain dog breeds to be exposed to excessive […]

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Shipping Birds Overseas: How to Reduce Stress

Stress is something that birds are particularly vulnerable to experiencing. As a prey animal, birds have heightened senses and any changes to their surroundings and environment, loud noises and movements, can easily trigger a stress response. Due to their sensitivity to stress, shipping birds is often a significant stress-inducing event, yet it is often unavoidable. […]

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Planning for International Family Holidays with Dogs

If you have looked forward to the perfect family vacation only to find out your dog is not allowed on the beach, you will undoubtedly want to plan your holidays more thoroughly in future. It is very frustrating when dogs are not allowed or welcomed in certain places but with a little research it is […]

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Relocate to These Countries to Avoid Dog Quarantine

For most UK pet owners, the word ‘dog quarantine’ is met with much fear and dread. After all, not only do you not want to be without your beloved pet, you won’t even be able to explain to them why you have to leave them for such a long time. However, do remember that dogs […]

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Essential Care for Oriental Fire Bellied Toads

An oriental fire bellied toad is a great choice of pet for inexperienced exotic pet owners. This is because they are relatively hardy animals which are easy care for. Due to their small size (approx. 5 cm), these visual striking amphibians take up little space and are an extremely intriguing pet to keep. Origin of […]

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A Guide to Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is quite a common complaint for cats to experience at some point in their lives. In general, middle-aged and older cats are more susceptible but this largely depends on the overall health of the cat. Cat UTI’s can occur for many different reasons and present with a range of […]

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Decoding Your Pet Parrots Behaviour

Parrots display a vast array of characterful behaviours, not just limited to vocalisations. They make entertaining and affectionate family pets, but it can be a challenge to truly understand what is going on behind those inquisitive eyes. Parrots noises are usually the most obvious behaviour to pay attention to, yet your bird could be revealing […]

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