Earlier this year, a superhero film with a difference was released. DC League of Superpets hit the silver screen and was praised for its storyline, animation, and humour. The film covers the story of a Labrador Retriever that has escaped his destroyed planet alongside a fellow survivor called Kal-El and heads to earth. Many years […]
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It’s estimated that 3.2 million households added a pet to their family during the pandemic, meaning that over 17 million households in the UK now own a pet. Research by the PFMA found the most popular pet in the UK. Below, we analyse the top ten pets favoured by UK households. 1st Dogs There are […]
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I just wanted to let you know that me and the snakes made it safely to Denver. The snakes did wonderful and are happy and healthy. ? Thank you so much for everything and putting up with all my questions. I know I could not have done this without all of your help! Please tell […]
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Moving abroad alone is stressful but add in relocating your pet as well and this can produce many more challenges. However, leaving your beloved pet behind isn’t an option. When considering moving abroad with your exotic pet it’s advised to plan ahead because there are many preparations needed that you must start months in advance. […]
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If you’ve ever experienced a special bond with an animal, that deep connection which makes you feel relaxed and peaceful, then it won’t surprise you to know that this type of connection with a pet is not unique to you. That feeling you get when you watch a video of cute kitten antics or adorable […]
Read More… from Everything You Need to Know About Pet Therapy
With the UK summer nearly in full swing, as a dog owner you can look forward to more enjoyable walks and less mud! Whilst the season offers a whole host of new opportunities and enjoyable dog-related activities, it, unfortunately, does also come with some potential health risks for your beloved pooch. We’ve outlined some of […]
Read More… from Is your Dog Summer Ready? Seasonal Health and Well Being Tips
One of the real pleasures of keeping an exotic pet is knowing you can care for something that not many other pet owners have the opportunity to do. Having an exotic pet is a privilege and, for those who aren’t hamster or puppy people, there is a unique selection of animals to suit the quirkiest […]
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Ferrets have a very specialist diet, which must be carefully met in captivity if they are to remain fit and healthy. Here’s what the caring pet owner needs to know… What Do Ferrets Eat in the Wild? Ferrets are mustelids – related to stoats, weasels and otters. As you might imagine from this lifestyle, ferrets […]
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Particularly for children, the concept of not having a pet because you are allergic is unfathomable. When your friends are gloating about their new puppies and kittens, you are left staring longingly at the latest Andrex advert. However, armed with some medication and a bit of knowledge, allergies do not have to mean a pet […]
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Shedding is a natural process in all reptiles. The process is also referred to as moulting, peeling, or sloughing, and is when your bearded dragon casts off its old skin. After your beardie sheds, the skin underneath is brand new and you’ll notice the colours are more vivid in the first few days, even more […]
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Stick insects can represent an ideal first pet for children, on account of their ease of care. Just a few benefits of stick insects for kids include: Stick insects are short-lived meaning that you won’t be left cleaning and feeding them for decades to come if your children get bored Stick insects are generally […]
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