What Age Should I Neuter My Dog?

Unless you intend on breeding your dog it can be a responsible course of action to get them neutered. For male dogs this is called castrating and for female dogs this is called spaying. Both require the dog to go under anaesthetic whilst a vet carries out the operative procedure. Spaying is a more invasive […]

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Why Does My Dog Pee on the Bed?

No matter how much we love our canine companions, we cannot pretend that there aren’t some behaviours that irk us. We can take the shredding of the newspaper. We can take hiding the slipper in the garden. But we really must draw the line at peeing on the bed. This isn’t a behaviour of unknowing […]

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10 Diseases Your Pets Could Give You

We all love getting up close and personal with our pets. Nothing beats an evening cuddle and many of us let our cats and dogs sleep on our beds. Whilst this is absolutely fine and having a bond with your animal is very important, it should be remembered that your pets can carry diseases which […]

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The Pros and Cons of Rescuing an Animal

Everyday, thousands of animals in the UK are rescued and placed into shelters. Sometimes they are strays, unwanted pets, or have been neglected or abused my previous owners. Whatever their circumstances, all animals deserve a loving forever home and many people throughout the UK decide to adopt a pet as opposed to buying a puppy […]

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A Guide to Pregnancy for Your Cat

Whether it comes a surprise, or you have intentionally bred from your female cat, the idea of kittens is a very exciting one. However, much research will need to be consumed, regardless of whether you are a reluctant or willing first-time breeder. How Do I Know if My Cat is Pregnant? Cats come into season, […]

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The Best Spider Vivarium for Pet Tarantulas

Tarantulas are cannibalistic, so you should never keep two together. Therefore, you can completely kit out your tarantula’s home to their specific needs, without the worry of having to appease two personalities. Another thing to bear in mind is they are notorious escape artists, so your number one concern should be security. What Size Tank […]

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6 Unique Animals You Can Keep as Pets

One of the real pleasures of keeping an exotic pet is knowing you can care for something that not many other pet owners have the opportunity to do. Having an exotic pet is a privilege and, for those who aren’t hamster or puppy people, there is a unique selection of animals to suit the quirkiest […]

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How Can I Train My Ferret to Use a Litter Tray?

Many assume that ferrets are outdoor pets, perhaps because they are similar to the weasels and stoats we see in the countryside. However, many ferrets live very happily inside, just like house rabbits. The one area where your ferret may need some help is with using the litter tray. Whilst we train puppies to go […]

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Debunking Myths About Dog Breeds Considered Dangerous

If dogs are truly man’s best friend, why are some considered dangerous and banned in countries worldwide? More often than not, it is human intervention that has caused some of the breeds below to be tarnished with a bad reputation. Whilst some of the pooches below can look a little menacing, we wanted to debunk […]

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