How to Breed Guinea Pigs

There is little cuter than a baby guinea pig. Unlike most mammals they’re born fully-furred, with their eyes open and able to run around within moments of birth. They’re also quite a bit larger than you might expect, being comparable to a small hamster. Little wonder, then, that so many people want to breed guinea […]

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Treats for Guinea Pigs

We are a nation of pet keepers, and love nothing more than bringing joy to the lives of our animals. Unsurprisingly, with their stocky rounded bodies and cute faces, guinea pigs are no exception. The real question becomes what can you use as treats for guinea pigs? Some General Rules Before we talk about some […]

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Indoor & House Rabbits: A Beginners Guide

In the past, rabbits were generally seen as “outdoor pets”, best kept in a wooden cage in the garden. Over time, however, a growing number of people have decided to keep indoor rabbits. Increasingly, these aren’t simply kept in a standard cage inside the home, but are allowed out for varying periods of time to […]

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How to Handle Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are one of the most popular small pets, loved by children and adults alike. With their stocky bodies, and willingness to vocalise at feeding time they project an image of cuteness. That is, of course, until you try to handle them… Guinea pigs can be surprisingly fleet-footed when you’re trying to catch them, […]

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Ferret Caging & Housing

Ferrets are highly active and playful animals that consequently require considerable space when confined to a cage. All the same, unless you are able to provide a room-sized cage for your pet, it is recommended that your ferret(s) are allowed to come out for regular exercise. This exercise time should ideally be provided daily, in […]

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Gerbils as Pets

While Syrian hamsters may have been the most popular children’s pet for some decades, many gerbil keepers claim they actually make far better pets – for kids of all ages. If you’re considering purchasing your first gerbil, in this article we’ll try to make a balanced argument, revealing both the good and the bad sides […]

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Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes in dogs is an incurable disease of the pancreas. It is estimated that roughly one in every five hundred dogs will contract diabetes at some point in their life. Fortunately, while the symptoms of an undiagnosed case can be serious, most dogs these days live a long and healthy life when provided with appropriate […]

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How to Keep Canaries

Canaries have always been popular cage birds thanks to their bright colours, cheerful disposition and wonderful singing. While in recent years they have perhaps become overshadowed by larger and more showy birds like budgerigars and lovebirds, there is still much to be said for the humble canary as a pet… Cages for Canaries Canaries are […]

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Common Guinea Pig Illnesses

Guinea pigs are typically very healthy animals when kept properly. Indeed, as you’ll see, many of the more common guinea pig diseases are easily avoided with the right husbandry. That said, there are a number of ailments which guinea pigs seem more prone to, which is the focus of this article. Signs of Guinea Pig […]

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What Do Chinchillas Eat?

Chinchillas are well-known for their cute appearance, rotund bodies and fluffy tails. Few could fail to fall for such an animals, which explains why so many are now kept as pets. However, chinchillas are far more “specialist” pets than most other “small furries”, requiring considerably different care to more commonly-kept guinea pigs, rabbits or hamsters. […]

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Leptospirosis in Dogs: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by Leptospira bacteria. These bacteria are known to exist in nature, and over two hundred different varieties have been identified. Fortunately, only a small handful cause the range of symptoms we call Leptospirosis (or “lepto” for short). The two most common bacteria responsible are Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and Leptospira canicola. What […]

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