What is the Difference Between Terrapins and Turtles?

Terrapins and turtles are both aquatic reptiles, but much disagreement exists about the differences between these two chelonians. Indeed, the difference really depends on where you live; within the USA the word terrapin is rarely, if ever used. Instead all aquatic members of the tortoise family are known as “turtles”. Within the UK, and much […]

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The 9 Best Invertebrates for Children

Any pet can help teach children respect and responsibility for animals, but as a lot of invertebrates do not require handling, this can be a fantastic opportunity for children to really get to grips with the complexities of being a pet owner. It is always best to have Mum and Dad on hand, but allowing […]

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How to Breed Budgies

Budgies aren’t shy when it comes to breeding and the turnaround from mating to chicks is very quick. Buying a pair of budgies is very popular, and minds begin to wonder about breeding from healthy, happy pairs. It is not as easy as simply having a male and a female if your pair does not […]

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The 10 Best Pets for Allergy Sufferers

Particularly for children, the concept of not having a pet because you are allergic is unfathomable. When your friends are gloating about their new puppies and kittens, you are left staring longingly at the latest Andrex advert. However, armed with some medication and a bit of knowledge, allergies do not have to mean a pet […]

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Looking After Koi Carp

If you have ever seen orange and yellow shapes moving below the surfaces of ponds, chances are you have clapped eyes on a koi carp. They are a striking breed of large ornament fish, hailing from China and Japan. Koi carp are often a patchwork quilt of colours, their bodies containing yellows, blacks, oranges, reds […]

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A Guide to Guinea Pig Teeth

Although it may only look like your guinea pig has two upper and two lower incisors, they actually have twenty teeth. Inside their tiny mouths, along with the incisors, are a pair of upper and lower premolars and three pairs of upper and lower molars. Interestingly, guinea pigs do not have canines. Instead, they have […]

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Top 10 Best Dog Breeds for Families

Considering which breed of dog would be best for your family is not a decision to be taken lightly. Whether planning on getting a puppy or adopting, comprehensive research should be put into investigating breeds – especially considering the inclusion of your children. Like anything in life, there are some pooches that are perfect for […]

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Settling in Your Rescue Cat

A new home can be a very daunting experience for your new cat or kitten. Rescue cats can often be a little harder to handle. In some upsetting cases, cats may have been abused and will need a very understanding and loving environment to start a happy life. In other circumstances, people who could no […]

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How to Take Care of a Cockatiel

Cockatiels are a very popular domestic bird species in the UK. They are happy, social and intelligent birds. When you decide that a cockatiel is for you, be prepared that you are taking on all the potential behaviour and health problems than can accompany your bird. There are many more facets to caring for a […]

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Tortoises as Pets

Tortoises can make fantastic pets, particularly for older children and adults. Many can live to be more than 50 years old, so expect your tortoise to become an integral part of the family for the decades to come. Many assume that tortoises are robust, due to their tough shells. However, tortoises are delicate creatures and […]

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A Guide to Keeping Chickens

Many people believe that keeping chickens should be left to expert farmers, but this simply isn’t true. If you have a roomy garden and fancy the idea of fresh eggs, then chickens are for you. Contrary to popular belief, keeping chickens is not difficult; it just takes a little know-how to keep them away from […]

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